The unsupportive person…


Hard on Yourself

Has there been anyone around you that has been unsupportive of your quitting journey?

For me, almost everyone was thrilled to hear that I quit smoking. Heck, I was beyond thrilled that I had finally managed to do it.

Yet, from time to time I would come across someone negative.  There was one person who made a comment that still bothers me to this day.  “Why would you bother quitting AFTER having kids? What sense does that make?” I could not believe that anybody would have the audacity to ask this question with the chastising tone in their voice… right to my face! I wanted to scream at him, actually that is a lie. I wanted to HIT him. Of course, I could not do that. Instead, I had to suck it up, simply say “it was just the right time for me” and walk away. I still have to…

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